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The year was 2018, and the popularity of AI and machine learning was on the rise. 同时, a student studying computer science decided to focus his thesis on this flourishing field. 快进几年, and he has now become a Scrum Master for a team developing the next-generation radar detector systems at Saab. 请允许我们介绍埃里克·诺格伦.



Eric气动元件's passion for technology has been present in his life for as long as he can remember. 作为一个孩子, 玩遥控车的时候, he enjoyed it the most when it broke because then he had the opportunity to try out his tech skills when building it back together again. Today, he utilizes his curiosity for technology and all its possibilities here at Saab

"I got in touch with Saab through a friend who, at the time, was going to write his thesis here. 他们需要另一个人,所以他推荐了我. What intrigued me at that moment was the chance to work with AI and machine learning applications. 这是一个迅速崛起的领域, 这在学校引起了很大的轰动, 星际网赌导航也热衷于将其作为焦点, so I was one of the early team members to dive into this exciting area,Eric分享道. 
找到ing a needle in a haystack: that's how Eric describes his job as a Scrum Master at Saab. Identifying the meaning of different signals in a huge amount of data coming in from the radar detector system sure is a challenge, 但解决它也同样重要.   
"It's like driving in pitch-black darkness, and someone turns on a flashlight. 雷达就像手电筒一样, 照亮黑暗,让我们辨认物体, 但我们仍然不知道它们是什么. 最重要的是, 我们同时看到所有这些信号, as if someone is shining flashlights everywhere from all directions simultaneously. Our task is to train the system to distinguish between these signals and identify any potential threats. 这是一项具有挑战性和令人兴奋的任务,”Eric继续说道. 

"It's motivating to know that I'm part of building highly complex things that could become something really great in the future."


Since Eric started at Saab, the interest in AI has continued to grow, and so has his team. 仅仅一年的时间, the team grew from four team members to twelve and in relation to this, 埃里克在公司担任领导职务, 确保团队以敏捷和有效的方式工作.  
"As our team has expanded, I've been given the chance to take on a leadership role. 虽然我一直对技术方面有浓厚的兴趣, 最近, I've also been drawn to the idea of trying my hand at a leadership position. 我很感激在追求这一愿望的过程中得到的支持, allowing me to further my education and test my abilities in this role."

"Our close teamwork allows for a swift transition from idea to implementation and testing, 看到快速的成果真的很有成就感."


有意识地表达你的兴趣,并表现出你对它的投入程度. Being motivated and interested in a subject is more important than being the best in class. If you are passionate about your work, you can come a long way here at Saab.
这是我们所使用的技术的结合, the cool and complex products we develop and my fantastic and competent colleagues. 
I believe my biggest strength lies in my technical competence and ability to apply machine learning to real problems.